Sunday, May 04, 2003

Just after my posting the VOTF thing, I saw that the Long Island Voice of the Faithful has invited , yes, Fr. Richard McBrien to speak to them. Funny how a group that claims to not want to change Church doctrine would invite a man who has made a career out of teaching people to change Church doctrine. Funny also how a group that claims to want to change the situation in the Church would invite a man that was a favorite of Bishop McGann, the bishop in charge for 20 + years and the one at the center of the pedophile priest scandal in this diocese. One would think that anyone interested in changing the way things were in this diocese would go as far away from Bishop McGann as possible. But then again, this same group supports a priest, Fr. Papa, who was found with child porn site cookies on his computer. VOTF = Voice of the Full of it.

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