Friday, August 08, 2003

Mel must act to stem rise of anti-Semitism

Yes that is the headline of an editorial in today's Daily News! Apparently Mel Gibson is the one responsible for the rise of anti-semitism which I stupidly had thought was occurring in areas with rising numbers of Muslims. If this movie is released, this writer believes it will cause beatings, riots, etc... Mr. Mad Max/Lethal Weapon/Braveheart is going to set Christian-Jewish relations back 2000 years don't you know.

"Trouble is, Gibson belongs to and finances a splinter group of revisionist Catholics who reject Vatican II and still insist those wicked Jews were behind Christ's passion."

This is slander of a group of traditionalists who to my knowledge have NEVER said any such thing. This writer is blind to the fact that it is not Christians that are targeting Jews today-it is Muslims. This writer seems typical of the type that are bashing Mel's film, vitriolic, out of touch, and slanderous. I have been alive for 33 years and have never once seen any evidence of massive, violent activity of Christians against Jews. I doubt that a movie will cause this to suddenly appear. (I have seen many examples of violence of Muslims against Christians, Hindus and Jews.) This article is a perfect example of the Anti-Christian garbage that I have seen in many newspapers and magazines. The more I read about this movie-the more I want to buy 100 tickets just to piss off the bigots.

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