Sunday, January 26, 2003

Early Mass today was, in the words of Bart Simpson, craptacular. There was a giant video screen set up on the back wall of the sanctuary. Since it was covering the statue of the risen Christ and empty cross that are on that wall, they had a slide of this artwork on the screen. 2 televisions were set up facing the sides where people sit. I went to this Mass since the young, orthodox priest was celebrating this one. He explained that, no it was not a setup for a Superbowl simulcast, but a slide show for the Parish's anniversary which we are celebrating all year. The slide show came after Communion, and was awful. The slides were mostly of people of the parish and went by so quickly you could hardly make anything out. Background music was sentimental stuff, and then the finale was - I am not making this up- Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful World. The script of the slide show was basically that we are a wonderful parish made up of wonderful people and isn't that wonderful? The post Vatican II era of the parish was described as "sensitive time of change". LOL This would have been fine for a parish event, such as the anniversary dinner they are going to have, but not at Mass. Or am I just too cynical? The priest, as usual was excellent. His homily touched on the dramatic call to follow Christ that characterized the Apostles and the Saints, while explaining that our call may not be as dramatic. He mentioned the dramatic call and our response such as when we do not contracept, do not abort, when we encourage vocations. This priest knows what people need to hear.

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