Monday, January 27, 2003

Just got my first request from the National Catholic Register for a donation. They are doing well with subscriptions and want to expand according to the professional looking brochure. I like this paper, its very well done and a good part of the Legionaries of Christ apostolate. One thing I respect in charitable organizations is professionalism, I am more likely to give if the charity seems like they know what they are doing. I get this from Chaminade, my high school, run by the best. My parents had a different philosophy of giving: if the charity seemed like they needed money, they would give. As a Catholic on several mailing lists, I get inundated with requests for money. With the thousands of good ways to donate your money, how do you know what is best?? I limit my donations to a couple of orthodox, quality charities, and the rest of my giving is in the collection at Mass. I try to stick with things I am familiar with on a firsthand basis. If a Catholic charity is not orthodox then don’t support it at all, but if an orthodox charity is not well run, it may also not be worth supporting.

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