Saturday, May 08, 2004

Paul Shanley, the central figure (or one who should be the central figure) in the "Scandals", was defrocked along with Ronald Paquin.

"Once known for his street ministry to gay and troubled youth, Shanley became a focal point of the clergy sex abuse scandal after plaintiffs' attorneys forced the church to release internal church records showing complaints about Shanley.
Among the records were documents indicating that Shanley had attended a forum with other people who later went on to form the North American Man-Boy Love Association. "

Bettnet points out that "Sister" Jeannine Gramick is a friend of Shanley and links to the article that quotes this dissident as saying:

"But Sister Jeanine Gramick, a Shanley friend and Washington-area nun renown for her ministry to gays and lesbians, called the removal process `grossly unfair'.''

It amazes me that Shanley continues to have supporters, some of whom even bailed him out of jail. I hope people will come to realize that those who supported Shanley, Weakland, etc... are part of the problem in the Church.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Oregon Man Arrested in Spain Bombings Probe

"He converted to Islam in 1989, she said, and attends a mosque in nearby Beaverton."
Quote of the day comes from

"And Hugh Hefner, he must be about 140 now, and he keeps parading these bunnies around."
-Dr. Regis Martin, On the Absurdities of Hedonism

I love Regis Martin on EWTN's Franciscan University Presents" show. And I can't think of anyone who looks more ridiculous than Hefner.
The Long Island Catholic Men's Conference

"The Long Island Catholic Men’s Conference was established to spread the word of God through fellowship and gathering. The idea has its roots in the men’s conference at The Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. This national conference inspired a group of faithful men from St. Margaret’s R.C. church to organize and plan a day of worship and celebration of our Lord in a local, convenient location."

This looks promising. If it is charismatic then it might go either way but if they keep it orthodox then it will be good. The Diocese of Rockville Centre needs stuff like this so I will keep my finger crossed and if possible, will attend.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Good News!

Amy Welborn at Open Book liked to this story about Iona College gettin' religion. Good to see a positive story at a "Catholic" college for once. Please note the positive reactions of students and administrators.

"We are mindful that Princeton, Harvard and others began as religious institutions and lost their sense of identity," Hughes said. "We don't want to lose it. Crucifixes are not a source of proselytizing, but a part of our identity. We are welcoming to everyone."

Monday, May 03, 2004


Confessions of a Recovering Choir Director once linked to this letter from Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci. I had heard of the Ottaviani intervention but never actually read any details. In reading over the letter, it is amazing how correct these churchmen were:

“Recent reforms have amply demonstrated that fresh changes in the liturgy could lead to nothing but complete bewilderment on the part of the faithful who are already showing signs of restiveness and of an indubitable lessening of faith.”


“The definition of the Mass is thus limited to that of the "supper", and this term is found constantly repeated (nos. 8, 48, 55d, 56). This supper is further characterised as an assembly presided over by the priest and held as a memorial of the Lord, recalling what He did on the first Maundy Thursday. None of this in the very least implies either the Real Presence, or the reality of sacrifice, or the Sacramental function of the consecrating priest, or the intrinsic value of the Eucharistic Sacrifice independently of the people's presence. It does not, in a word, imply any of the essential dogmatic values of the Mass which together provide its true definition. Here, the deliberate omission of these dogmatic values amounts to their having been superseded and therefore, at least in practice, to their denial.”


“The priest's position is minimised, changed and falsified. Firstly in relation to the people for whom he is, for the most part, a mere president, or brother, instead of the consecrated minister celebrating in persona Christi.”

“the very strange and dubious eschatologism whereby the communication of supernatural grace, a reality which is permanent and eternal, is brought down to the dimensions of time: we hear of a people on the march, a pilgrim Church - no longer militant - against the Powers of Darkness - looking towards a future which having lost its line with eternity is conceived in purely temporal terms.”

“The unity of the Church is gravely compromised by the wholly intolerable omission from the entire Ordo, including the three new Prayers, of the names of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Founders of the Church of Rome, and the names of the other Apostles, foundation and mark of the one and universal Church, the only remaining mention being in the Communicantes of the Roman Canon.”

“The process of desacralisation is completed thanks to the new procedures for the offering: the reference to ordinary not unleavened bread; altar-servers (and lay people at Communion sub utraque specie) being allowed to handle sacred vessels (no. 244d); the distracting atmosphere created by the ceaseless coming and going of the priest, deacon, subdeacon, psalmist, commentator (the priest becomes commentator himself from his constantly being required to 'explain' what he is about to accomplish) - of readings (men and women), of servers or laymen welcoming people at the door and escorting them to their places whilst others carry and sort offerings.”

“Of Cannon II it has been well said, among other things, that it could be recited with perfect tranquillity of conscience by a priest who no longer believes either in Transubstantiation or in the sacrificial character of the Mass - hence even by a Protestant minister.”

“From the outset therefore the New Rite is launched as pluralistic and experimental, bound to time and place. Unity of worship, thus swept away for good and all, what will become of that unity of faith that went with it, and which, we were always told, was to be defended without compromise?”

“Moreover in abandoning its unmistakable and immemorial Roman character, the Novus Ordo lost what was spiritually precious of its own. Its place has been taken by elements which bring it closer only to certain other reformed liturgies (not even those closest to Catholicism) and which debase it at the same time. The East will be ever more alienated, as it already has been by the preceding liturgical reforms.”

"To try to bring the Church's worship back at all cost to ancient practices by refashioning, artificially and with that "unhealthy archeologism" so roundly condemned by Pius XII, what in earlier times had the grace of original spontaneity means as we see today only too clearly - to dismantle all the theological ramparts erected for the protection of the Rite and to take away all the beauty by which it was enriched over the centuries.”

“Today, division and schism are officially acknowledged to exist not only outside of but within the Church. Her unity is not only threatened but already tragically compromised. Errors against the Faith are not so much insinuated but rather an inevitable consequence of liturgical abuses and aberrations which have been given equal recognition.”

Rome, September 25th, 1969

It is obvious these men were absolutely right. The question I am asking myself more frequently is: Was Archbishop Lefebvre right as well?