Monday, September 19, 2011

Pope Names Bishop Peter A. Libasci as New Bishop of Manchester

ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N.Y. – September 19, 2011
– Pope Benedict XVI today named the Most Reverend Peter Anthony Libasci, 59, to be the new Bishop of the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire. The appointment was announced in Washington, DC today by Rev. Msgr. Jean-Francis Lantheaume, Chargé d’Affaires at the Apostolic Nunciature to the United States. Bishop-designate Libasci will succeed Bishop John Brendan McCormack.

Most Reverend Peter Anthony LibasciBishop-designate Libasci will be installed as the tenth bishop of Manchester at Saint Joseph Cathedral on December 8, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. E.S.T.

Since his ordination as bishop on June 1, 2007, Bishop-designate Libasci has served as the Episcopal Vicar for the Eastern Vicariate of the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Bishop-designate Libasci is also bi-ritual and celebrates the Divine Liturgy in the Byzantine Ruthenian Catholic Church.

This is great news for New Hampshire and sad news for Long Island. He is now the second bishop sent out from Rockville Centre in the 10 years Bishop Murphy has been our shepherd, the first being Msgr. Robert Guglielmone who is now Bishop of South Carolina. Which reminds me to congratulate Bishop Murphy on his 10th Anniversary as Bishop of Rockville Centre. He was installed just days before 400 of his flock was murdered and has done a wonderful job leading the Diocese.