I am just not able to keep up with blogging - my wife and I had a baby! It would be hard to keep up with all the positive things going on right now in the Diocese of Rockville Centre even without feeding and diapering, etc.... Here are just a few:
Canonry of St. Leopold
It has now been four months since the Canons Regular of St. Augustine have come to DRVC. Check out this page to see what they have up to - please note they celebrate both forms of the Sacred Liturgy.
Seminaries Merging
The seminary program for the 3 dioceses of Brooklyn, NYC and Rockville Centre is merging together with the seminarians all training together at St. Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers (called Dunwoodie for the neighborhood). Immaculate Conception seminary in Huntington will remain open for retreats, masters programs, and educating permanent deacons. This move was entirely expected and has mostly to do with practicality. With the number of seminarians in NYC, Brooklyn and Rockville Centre, there is no need for 2 or 3 individual seminaries. Of course, Dunwoodie has always had an orthodox reputation while Huntington did not. Overall, this will be a very positive move for seminarians, who will now study together with much larger groups at Dunwoodie and also in Douglaston, where pre-theology and undergraduate men will study. As reported all over the place, the number of seminarians is up right now so these kinds of moves are part of some very good trends within the Church.
Peter Kreeft
On the topic of Immaculate Seminary in Huntington - Peter Kreeft will be speaking there next Sunday:
"A Refutation of Moral Relativism"
Lecture by Peter Kreeft
Sunday December 11, 2011 at 3 PM in the Seminary Auditorium
Pre-Registration is Requested
Please contact Beverly Malone in the Development Office
Phone: 631-423-0483 x102
E-mail: bmalone@icseminary.edu