Saturday, August 30, 2003

A new feature of this blog will be the answer column. I have seen the question and answer format at many a website so I figured it might work here.

Who is Hans Kung?

I don’t know, but he has 2 funny dots in his last name that I don’t know how to post. Perhaps he is a Swedish artist or something.

May a Catholic refer to Ignatius Press as “Iggie Press”?

No they may not.

Why do so many Catholics teach dissent?

Because they are stupid.

If a Catholic school and a Lutheran school play each other in football, whose side is God on?

Whoever wins the game is obviously God’s favorite.

How many people have been declared saints by the Church?

A whole lot.

Are the Jesuits evil?

Yes, yes they are.

If I married a non-Catholic in a secular chapel, divorced and then remarried in a protestant church, and am now seeking to convert, do I have to get married again in the Catholic Church? Or can I get my marriage blessed and do I have to do this before I am received into the Church or after?

My head hurts.

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