Saturday, March 20, 2004


"But in the 1980s and 1990s, Algeria, like many other countries with large Muslim populations, began to feel the pressure of fundamentalist Islamic groups that were springing up around the world. "

Yet another story about the killing of Christians by muslims. My local representative and fellow parishioner Peter King has been getting slack from muslims over statements he made. He has written a novel, Vale of Tears, in which muslim terrorists attack in Nassau County. When he spoke on Sean Hannity he said that 85% of the mosques in the USA have extremist leadership. Of course, muslim leaders did not like hearing this. Oddly, you never hear statements from these muslims about the slaughter their people, their "religion", their culture causes. The local leader of the muslim mosque in Westbury was quoted by Paul Vitello in Newsday as saying that Israel might have been behind the September 11th attacks. Can you imagine the constant reporting Newsday would have done if this statement was said by a Catholic leader instead of a follower of the heresy of mohammed? In order for the slaughter to stop we need strong people like Peter King.

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