Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Kids of Gay Parents Shouldn't Suffer

"There are two issues here—one is a matter of principal and the other is a matter of prudence. There is a moral principle, expressed in Judeo-Christian thought, that the innocent should not be punished for the transgressions of the guilty. To be more specific, the prophet Ezekiel taught that it was wrong for children to suffer for the sins of their father. Applied in this instance, we can amend that to ‘fathers.’

“On a prudential level, it makes no sense to single out kids for retribution whose parents are gay. What should be done about kids who were born out-of-wedlock? What about those kids who have a father or a mother who is the town philanderer? Should we expel kids whose parents are cohabiting? Or are known adulterers?"

Good job by the Catholic League on this one, and Greg Popcak at Heart, Mind & Strength adds: "Incidentally, this example highlights perfectly the difference between conservative Catholics (the parishioners) , and orthodox Catholics (the pastor and Bill Donohue)."

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