Thursday, January 26, 2006

Dr. Philip Blosser, the Pertinacious Papist, has posted about Dr. Joseph Varacalli and his new book, The Catholic Experience in America. Dr. Blosser points out Dr. Varacalli is

"Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for Catholic Studies at Nassau Community College-SUNY. He was co-founder of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, first Editor-in-Chief of the Catholic Social Science Review, twice a Board of Directors Member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars -- whose meetings are truly enjoyable affairs -- and the 12th recipient of the Pope Pius XI Award for the furthering of a true Catholic social science as called for in Quadragesimo Anno."

Obviously, Dr. Varacalli is a scholar and has done much work "in the field". I haven't read The Catholic Experience in America yet, but I read his Bright Promise, Failed Community: Catholics and the American Public Order and it was very good. Besides his academic credentials and great work for the Church, he is a true gentleman. At a conference of the Center for Catholic Studies at Nassau Community, featuring Cardinal Avery Dulles and others, he greeted my fiance with such warmth and good wishes for our upcoming marriage, it absolutely made her day.

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