Thursday, March 29, 2007

I have been asked to put together a panel on Catholic blogging for an upcoming Catholic conference. I am excited about this and will get around to putting my thoughts on Catholic blogging in some sort of order. I am currently watching a similiar panel that was recently filmed and can be seen here at

Grant Gallicho, Amy Welborn and Rocco Palmo discuss blogging and I was thrilled to hear Amy Welborn mention The Catholic Blog Directory. I started this site after Gerard Serafin passed away, trying to pick up on his list of "St. Blog's Parish", which is where I first discovered Catholic blogs. Today it is maintained by Andrea who has upgraded the directory to include 964 blogs.

I can't wait to have some time to sit down at the computer and put down some sort of words about Catholic blogs, particularly its history. Although there are some limitations and problems with Catholic blogs, the positive well outnumber the negatives.

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