Friday, May 01, 2020

An Inside Look at Voice of the Faithful on Long Island

In January of 2004 I posted about an article in Crisis Magazine that gave a behind the scenes look into Voice of the Faithful on Long Island (when I was getting the print edition).  It showed how the group had good intentions but seem to end  up doing nothing more than being another forum for liberal dissenters.  I did not link to the article at the time but it is on line here.  One line that jumped out at me was this line about Newsday's Bob Keeler speaking at a local VOTF meeting:

"Keeler did issue a warning: It seems many of the younger priests and those currently in seminaries are leaning in an orthodox direction, and in 15 to 20 years these men will be our pastors. There were reflexive gasps from the crowd." 

This was written 16 years ago and the day has arrived!  Some pastors are much more traditional but I do not hear much complaining about them.  So far, I have heard positive feedback and no one seems to be pushing for the 1970's style Catholicism to return.  Again, I think a lot of the people in the 1970's - 1980's thought that everything in the Church had to change but the vast majority of Catholics just want solid, true Christianity.

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