Saturday, March 06, 2004

Against the Grain pointed to a funny post from a good blog called Protocols. Protocols in turn pointed to Jewsweek and their obsessive coverage of TPOTC. The author of this article from Jewsweek seems to understand some things many people do not:

"Foxman's actions were also ill-advised because they have managed to alienate many Christian friends of the Jewish people along the way. In repeatedly characterizing a film that is based on the literal Gospels as anti-Semitic, Foxman has unavoidably also implied that the Gospels are anti-Semitic. Whether or not this is fair or true, it was bound to be hurtful to many Christians. And what useful purpose at this point in history is served by characterizing the Gospels as anti-Semitic? In addition, many find it jarring to hear Foxman presuming to tell them how Christian doctrine requires them to act in respect of the movie. Imagine the Jewish reaction if Christians started telling the Foxman that his organization's positions were not consistent with Jewish doctrine, for example on abortion rights (liberal) and gay marriage rights (pro)."

This is good stuff. The author of this article, Daniel Barenholtz seems most focused on the free publicity that Foxman gave the film. The title of the article is "How not to choose your battles". My hope is that Bill Donohue and the Catholic League will read and learn from this article. They tend to do the same as Foxman whever an anti-Catholic movie comes out.

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