Monday, August 09, 2004

Archbishop serves up passionate defense of faith

This story, discovered via Seattle Catholic, is about Archbishop Dolan speaking at Theology on Tap in Milwaukee. He sounds like he is perfect for this type of event:

"I’m here (at the pub) all the time anyway … now I can write it off on my taxes"


"If our faith was in priests, we wouldn’t have survived Holy Thursday. Less than a couple hours after Jesus ordained the first priests, one of them sold him for 30 pieces of silver. One betrayed him three times. And eight ran off when he needed them most ... one of the first 12 stuck with him. That ain’t a good rate … less than 8 percent, less than two hours after the church began."

Our local version of this type of thing is Faith on Tap and it has been going well. Our next session is August 30th at 7 PM and is about everybody's favorite novel: "Decoding the DaVinci Code" with speaker Dr. Jane Gilroy. We also hope to have our Bishop Murphy speak this year. I think he will come across well just like Archbishop Dolan.

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