Tuesday, March 25, 2003

I have seen letters written recently in the National Catholic Register and the Latin Mass Magazine concerning the writings of H.W. Crocker. Some feel his writing is harsh and bigoted, especially concerning the Orthodox Churches and followers of Mohammed. I love Crocker’s writing and find the criticism off base. Crocker writes with humor and I happen to share his tongue in cheek, exaggerated sense of humor. When he wrote that he looks forward to the Church commemorating the sack of Constantinople by making its anniversary a feast day, this was humor folks. I am 80 % certain he does not actually want to see a feast day like this, nor does he encourage slaughter but he makes a point with humor that should be made. [When some Greek Orthodox clergy protested Pope John Paul II’s visit recently by calling him a two horned monster, they were unfortunately not kidding.] Granted Crocker’s humor may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I rarely read Catholic authors that make me laugh out loud so I hope he continues to write for these publications and others. While I would not expect the Pope to appoint Crocker head of ecumenical dialogue any time soon, his book, Triumph, and the articles he has published, are just the kind of Catholicism Con Cojanes that have been conspicuously absent these past 20 years.

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