Thursday, May 08, 2003

Dietrich Von Hildebrand was able to escape from the Nazis who hunted him for his anti-Nazi teachings. In The Charitable Anathema he writes:

“The professional avant-gardistes in the Church today never tire of telling us of ‘the Christian faith in the postconciliar epoch’-of the changes called for by the ‘postconciliar spirit.” These vague slogans conceal a tendency to replace the infallible magisterium and unchanging faith of the Church with something else, something ‘new’. I am reminded of the famous program of the German National Socialist Party, which in Paragraph 17 declared that it accepted Christianity insofar as it corresponded to the ‘Nordic ethos.” In that case, too, the divinely-revealed doctrine of the Church was supposed to subordinate itself to an extremely vague and, moreover, purely natural norm."

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