Sunday, December 31, 2006
Two of the Franciscan Brothers who run St. Anthony's High School in Huntington died within a day of each other.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine. Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Also a story on St. John Antiochian Orthodox Church in Levittown that is home to Christian Palestinians. The story focuses on how the congregation tries to keep their culture alive here and how so many have fled the middle east since the founding of Israel. There is not much about their religious traditions specifically, but still an interesting read.
And finally, Suffolk County has always had terrible public tranportation, and the situation for disabled people is particularly bad. A lawsuit filed on behalf of disabled riders was settled and it looks like there will be some improvement.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
"With regard to the structure of our Church, he reminded us that Jesus did not ordain anyone. It is safe to assume that neither did He envision the pyramidal organization as we have today. " [emphasis mine]
Friday, December 29, 2006
This is good.
Islamists kicked out of Mogadishu
This is even better.
About 4,000 people, mostly militants, have died in 2006, the bloodiest period in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban regime in late 2001.
This is the best news so far.
Let's hope the New Year will see American troops leave Iraq, where they are not needed, and moved to Afghanistan and Pakistan where they are very much needed. I hope 2007 will be the year when we finally see real progress in the war on terror. Remember to follow all the news by reading Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch. And consider buying the new book from Robert Spencer:
The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion
"A US Airways passenger faced charges of interfering with a flight crew Thursday after he apparently unknowingly slapped an undercover federal air marshal, said an official familiar with the case.
The man, who'd been drinking liquor, threw a mid-air temper tantrum Wednesday night after attendants refused to serve him any more alcohol during his flight from Washington's Reagan National Airport to Fort Myers, Florida, the official said. "
People this pathetic should be banned from flying any airlines, put in jail for a year, and fined very heavily. After 9/11, there should be mandatory prison terms for unruly flight behavior.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
"Q. 1311. What are rash judgment, backbiting, slander and detraction?
A. Rash judgment is believing a person guilty of sin without a sufficient cause.
Backbiting is saying evil things of another in his absence.
Slander is telling lies about another with the intention of injuring him. Detraction is revealing the sins of another without necessity."
Can you imagine if this stuff was still taught?? This is what almost every Catholic I have ever met on Long Island needs to learn.
"A top Taliban military commander described as a close associate of Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Omar was killed in an airstrike this week close to the border with Pakistan, the U.S. military said Saturday."
Thursday, December 21, 2006
"Hopefully more high schools with dated 60's buildings and chapels (like St. Anthony's has at present) will take the initiative and center their fundraising campaigns on the important things".
[emphasis entirely mine]
My hometown parish St. William the Abbot has just renovated the Church due to a sanctuary that had to be rebuilt. This is the second major renovation of the Church in my lifetime, which probably means I am getting old. The original small country Church from my childhood was expanded and renovated in 1981, and I was an altar boy at the consecration of the new Church. (I was also present when Bishop Murphy consecrated the new altar this year.) The Church badly needed renovation then, it was simply way too small for the large parish, and the building was falling apart. Most of the Masses I remember from my youth were in the school gym, because the Church capacity was about a third of what the parish needed. But the '81 renovation included many silly aspects of the time, such as replacing a crucifix with a "risen Christ", and carpeting covering the floors. The Church had mostly blank, white walls and was overall uninspiring.
The recent renovation was also spurred by practical considerations. The sanctuary was falling apart and therefore unsafe. But the changes that were done ended up correcting some of the previous mistakes. The risen Christ sculpture that had always bothered me was taken away from the sanctuary and replaced with a striking crucifix, which is now the main focal point. The risen Christ sculpture is now on the front right side on what had been previously a blank white wall, where I find it to be perfectly fine. To balance this out, the left side now has a brand new wall sculpture of the Last Supper. So, to me the problem of not having enough artwork has now been solved. The Marian shrine had some symbols of Mary added to it, and now features part of the original marble high altar from the original sanctuary in the Church. The carpeting is gone, replaced by a wood sanctuary floor and tile floors. Overall, this was a great improvement to the Church. The next phase of renovation will be to expand the narthex, to increase the size of the choir loft. This is being done to make room for an antique pipe organ, replacing the electronic organ that is currently being used. This is all a great improvement to the Church although I doubt it will win any "traditional Catholic architecture" awards. Still, although it is no longer my parish I am grateful to see it improve.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Interesting stories in this week's Long Island Catholic:
Diocese enjoys surge in priestly vocations
"Last Friday 11 men preparing for the priesthood for the Brooklyn and Rockville Centre Dioceses were ordained as deacons at Immaculate Conception Seminary here.
“This was the most that either diocese has had in years,” noted Father Thomas Coogan, vocation director for the Rockville Centre Diocese."
Although vocations still have a long way to go, this is an encouraging sign. There are about 40 seminarians today as opposed to 17 in 2002. Those who are aware of the changes made in this Diocese over the past few years would not be surprised that vocations are up.
3,000 Kellenberg and St. Martin de Porres students went to see The Nativity Story movie for Advent.
Kellenberg is the school that sent most students to see The Passion of the Christ movie also. I just received mail today from St. Martin de Porres that indicated that when the Marianists took over the school in 2004, the enrollment was at 120, and today there are 419 students there. So, the Diocese continues to see some good signs.
In a related note, the Bishop of Arlington, VA wrote a pastoral letter warning about pornography.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Eternity Road's Sunday Ruminations
Be Not Afraid on The Black Madonna
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
"The diocese serves approximately 1.4 million Catholics (total population in both counties is approximately 3.3 million). There are 134 parishes in 115 towns. Last year over 20,000 baptisms, 18,000 confirmations, 20,000 first communions and 5,000 marriages took place in the diocese. There are 2,137 students in Catholic kindergarten, 23,825 in primary or elementary school, 12,628 in secondary school and 3,300 in higher institutions. There are 76 Catholic elementary and high schools and one Catholic college in the diocese. "
---From the DRVC website
This is the standard blurb put under all the press releases but I had never noticed that it states one Catholic college. Since there is Molloy and St. Joseph's I wonder which one is not considered Catholic?
Monday, December 04, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
From News12 Long Island
"Police report the umbilical cord was still attached and there was no obvious cause of death. They say an autopsy will commence shortly to determine if the boy was stillborn or killed after birth. "
There is no reason for this to ever occur. Years ago, a local gentlemen named Tim Jaccard, who is an EMT, founded the AMT Children of Hope Foundation to put an end to this tragic stuff. Like many EMTs he grew weary of finding dead newborns and started the Foundation to pay for funerals of newborns the Nassau Police found. He soon shifted the focus to trying to prevent the need for funerals at all. Due to this work, "New York was the first state to enact a "Safe Haven" law with allows a birth mother to relinquish custody in a safe manner, and not be criminally liable for abandonment. Although most states have their version of this law, the idea of giving up your unwanted baby instead of causing it's death gives those in desperation another option."
Tim is a Knight of Columbus from the Council I used to belong to and has done a great job with this Foundation, please spread the word about the AMT Children of Hope and if your state does not have a Safe Haven Law, get started on getting a law passed.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
- That muslims will not kill him, which is a very good possibility since muslims are very intolerant and violent
- That if muslims do kill him, that this will begin a great turning away from the false religion of islam throughout the middle east.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
From News12 Long Island
"The FBI arrested a Roosevelt Catholic priest at his home Friday, charging him with possessing more than 1,300 pictures and videos of underage boys.
Thomas Saloy was serving at Queen of the Most Holy Rosary when investigators say they found child pornography on his personal computer. "
Roman Catholic priest
child pornography
teenage boys
Why are these 3 phrases so connected, so many times?? Let's hope this man is locked away for a long time, and defrocked, and not put on priest welfare like so many others.
Just last Sunday we had gone to Mass at Our Lady of Grace in West Babylon. We usually don't go to this parish, but at this Mass, instead of the priest giving the homily, the pastor, Fr. Vin came out and spent a good 10 minutes talking about how people need to give more money to the parish. He said the financial report was in the bulletin and it was not a good picture. He spoke about how people need to get over their hurt, their anger, because it does no good spiritually. He said that there were less people coming to Mass these days, less people giving, and he didn't think there was anyone to blame for this. I muttered "How about child molesting priests" which earned me a wicked stare and shutup look from Mrs. Gen X Revert. I tend to mutter a bit too loud sometimes, but I couldn't believe this man said he couldn't find anyone to blame for the situation in the Church today.
As we were getting in the car my wife asked me what happened in this parish as it sounded like a big deal, and I replied probably some child molesting priest used to be there. I looked it up, and sure enough there were two former priests of this parish on the Bishop Accountability website , Fr. Angelo Ditta and Fr. Andrew Millar. And now, we can add a third priest formerly of Our Lady of Grace - Fr. Thomas Saloy. So, if the pastor still can't find anyone to blame for the empty pews, the anger, the hurt, and the lack of support, perhaps he should look a little harder.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Do go read Fran’s Sunday Ruminations: Prophets, Jesters, And Destroyers
Newsday pubished yet another article about the Catholic Church that is just plain stupid. Most of their anti-Catholic loser columnists were let go after the paper was exposed inflating circulation figures, causing millions to be paid out to advertisers that were victims of the fraud, but the paper still can publish crap. Jimmy Breslin is semi-retired, meaning he occasionally will sober up long enough to put pen to paper, mostly to complain about George Bush, something NO other writer does. Ed Lowe is now writing for local papers that have smaller readerships combined than most major blogs. Paul Vitello is writing for the NY Times, working out of Garden City, where he has lunch in the basement of an office building in Garden City looking as haggard as ever. Marie Cocco fell off the face of the earth, while the former editor of Newsday has been convicted of child porn charges. Anyway, the column is just bad, and written by a, wait for it, ..."former religious brother". The actual argument in theology for condom use in marraige or to stop the spread of aids is a serious one, that deserves real writing. This column is just garbage. The opening sentence is straight from the 70's:
"The Catholic Church laid down a tough, absolute law in the 1968 encyclical "Humanae Vitae": no condoms, no abortion, no contraceptives. Never."
The rest of the column is just as silly, stupid, and predictable. At least if they are going to continue to give a forum to people who don't like the Church or her teachings, they should find writers like those in American or Commonweal, who can at least present their arguments intelligently.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
A Catholic blog by a fellow Long Islander!! Leticia Velasquez, a frequent letter writer to the Long Island Catholic, Newsday, and commenter on this blog, has a great blog with a great name - it means Cause of Our Joy. She also has pictures of the Heart of St. John Vianney at Cure of Ars as well as Dr. Alveda King at Nassau Community College.
So far, the Catholic bloggers on Long Island I know about are:
Fac ut Gaudeam
causa nostrae laetitia
Eternity Road
Friday, November 10, 2006
I am so proud of myself for thinking of that headline. HeeHeeHee. For those who don't get the reference, a little NY Post history.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
"There is something rather weak and unsatisfactory about it. One cannot say that he is unorthodox exactly. Rather, there is something half-hearted in his presentation of the more controversial teachings of the Church. One gets the impression that he is uncomfortable answering certain questions." - S. M. Barr
"This book is 500 pages of unenthusiastic, incomplete, often erroneous explanations of the Catholic faith. For starters, Dietzen frequently begins sentences with 'Catholics believe' or 'the Church teaches', especially when he is presenting a truth of the faith deemed controversial. "
-Rich Leonardi
Every answer he gives that I have seen in the Long Island Catholic is so lukewarm, so weak, that it just makes me want to yell, say what you really believe!! This is the kind of thing that is not attractive to so many young people. I know that harsh and unbending people in the Church can also turn people away, but it is more likely the Fr. Dietzens that have done the most damage over the past 40 years.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The worst experience I had in parish-hopping was at one parish where the priest would process down the aisle during the opening hymn, then instead of beginning the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, he would ask if anyone was celebrating a birthday or anniversary. People would shout out their answer and then everyone would applaud. It was juvenile, and totally inappropriate, I felt like I was in the 2nd grade. I also was in a couple of parishes where instead of a homily, a priest would talk about the annual fund raising appeal or a particular group in the parish. This is sometimes necessary, but it should never replace a homily totally. I am very picky when it comes to Liturgy and don't see why it is so hard for parishes to make it reverent and prayerful.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
The Wikipedia link on Les Miserables is quite comprehensive, but I found one error-
The first high school in the United States to perform the school version of Les Miserables was Holy Trinity High School right here in Hicksville, Long Island. Cameron Mackintosh chose the school and was there for the premiere performance. Holy Trinity is known for its extensive performance arts program.

Click on the picture to enlarge.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
From Newsday:
"Smithtown Supervisor Patrick Vecchio's son -- who was fired from the Suffolk County Water Authority last summer after an inquiry blamed him for a costly E.coli panic on Fire Island -- is not the only family member who was able to land and hang onto a patronage job despite a troubled work history, records show.
Bernadine Kinder, who is married to Vecchio, was caught stealing early in her tenure at Suffolk Off-Track Betting, according to OTB records. She not only kept her position, that same year she was promoted to branch manager, a job where she handles thousands of dollars a day. And she got the job in OTB in 1998 despite having been fired from a secretarial job in Suffolk District Court for excessive absences and unsatisfactory job performance, court personnel records show."
Talk about SLEAZY. She stole money and then gets promoted! How do these criminals get away with this stuff? Oh, that's right, they are white so it is ok. If these were black people or immigrants that would be another story. Or perhaps we on Long Island have to work so hard to keep up with the incredibly high taxes we don't have the time to notice or care? Please also notice that Kinder and Vecchio Jr. both failed to graduate from college?
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Homosexuality pamphlet pulled from Church shelves
The pamphlet in question was from the Catholic Medical Association and can be read online here. My suggestion to the pastor Fr. Charles Mangano would be to order some pamphlets from Courage as replacements.
There is yet more talk of the Pope giving more freedom to Catholic priests to celebrate the traditional (Tridentine) Mass. Amy Welborn is looking to define the terms correctly as the media can be unreliable when reporting on such 'inside stuff' in the Church. Here on Long Island, if priests were given the ability to celebrate the traditional Mass I am sure there would be a couple of (probably younger) priests who would jump at the chance but only a couple. Most Catholics approve of the changes in the Mass and simply want more reverence and dignity, as well as a return to tradition in hymns, sermons, architecture, and devotions. As a service to Long Island Catholics, let me point out some facts about the traditional latin Mass here on Long Island. (Note: I have attended the traditional latin Mass perhaps a couple of dozen times, but most Sundays attend a local parish and assist at a "Novus Ordo" Mass.)
The Mass is celebrated every Sunday at 11 am at St. Pius X Chapel in Uniondale. This is located at 1220 Front St. in Uniondale, right off Merrick Avenue. Booklets are provided that have all the prayers of the Mass in Latin and English so you can follow along. The first and third Sundays of the month are low Masses and the second and fourth Sundays are high (sung) Masses. After the low Masses there are some refreshments served in the cafeteria next to the chapel. Most of the Masses are offered by Fr. James Pereda, although other priests have filled in for him on occasion. The only priests that I know have celebrated the traditional Mass on Long Island are Fr. Pereda, Fr. Robert Hewes, Msgr. George Graham and Fr. Steven Scarmozzino. The Mass at St. Pius X Chapel is the only approved traditional Latin Mass in the Diocese of Rockville Centre. There are chapels and independent Catholic priests who celebrate the Mass but this is the only Mass approved by the Diocese. I hope that the Mass will be moved to a parish some day so that more people may be exposed to it, and those who wish to have traditional baptisms, weddings and funerals may do so. A traditional parish with both traditional and Novus Ordo Masses would be great, ala St. John Cantius in Chicago.
The fact is, Long Island is steeped in history when it comes to traditionalism. Fr. Gommar DePauw was probably the first Catholic priest in the country or world to start a traditionalist movement, even before Vatican II was over. He started the Ave Maria Chapel in Westbury for traditional Catholics. He died in 2005 and I don't know if there is a Mass at the chapel today.
The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), the organization started by Archbishop Lefebvre, has a chapel in Farmingville called St. Michael the Archangel, which opened in 1983. In fact, the original headquarters of the SSPX in America was in Oyster Bay Cove.
The priest who led things there, Fr. Clarence Kelly, was expelled from the SSPX and founded the SSPV, which is now headquarted in Oyster Bay Cove.
There are also a couple of independent priests who offer the traditional Mass around the island as well. Again, the only Diocese of Rockville Centre-approved traditional Mass is the one at the St. Pius Chapel in Uniondale. There used to be one held in Cutchogue also when the traditional Mass was only twice a month, but I am not sure if that Mass is still there. My hope for the traditional Mass would be:
- The Diocese of Rockville Centre allows this Mass to be moved to a parish, where it would part of the regular Mass schedule on Sunday.
- The Diocese also allow traditional Sacraments for those who desire them.
- Those who wish to attend a "Novus Ordo" Mass with chant propers, some latin prayers and a traditional atmosphere have a place to do this.
- The Vatican and SSPX work to some sort of reconciliation, such as the proposed personal prelature idea.
- The so-called Reform of the Reform continue so Catholics can pray the "Novus Ordo" Mass in a more traditional way.
UPDATE 10/23/06: Per the comments, the traditional Latin Mass is also offered on the first Sunday of the month at Sacred Heart Church, Main Rd in Cutchogue
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
The above link is a great find of mine: an anti-Catholic treasure! Here is the author's description of Catholicism, which all of us can instantly recognize:
"Roman Catholicism is a religion of dominance. It maintains control over its one billion subjects through a system of promises and threats. Those who adhere closely to the multitude of rules governing every aspect of religious belief and practice are rewarded with the favor of the RCC ruling class, dispensed in the form of grace, doled out as one gives a treat to a well-trained pet. Failure to live according to Rome's stringent and ever transmuting laws can result in sanctions ranging from repeating a few canned prayers through denial of admission to the church's sacraments to confiscation of property, torture and death, depending upon the severity of the failure and the degree of temporal power enjoyed by the RCC.
It astonishes me that anyone under submission to the Romish potentate would fail to diligently strive to learn all the rules and ways of the RCC so that he might avoid running afoul of her judicial process. "
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
"I was naive, I was young, I was sheltered," he said. "And I made a terrible judgment. In five months, I've learned more than I did in 22 years about life."
Basically those life lessons should be: 1) don't ever host or attend a party with strippers. 2) If you are a rich, white guy in a college or university, understand that there will be many people who will hate you for that. All college educated people should be very careful in dealing with people, and realize a degree will automatically make you hated by many people. 3) Don't ever get into altercations in bars, as two of the accused did in the past. 4) If you are on a sports team, understand that sometimes the "group" will act with a group mentality, and avoid this at all costs. 5) Don't ever underestimate the shallowness of politicans, including DAs.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
The Catholic Underground is coming to Long Island.
Saturday, October 21, 2006, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
St. Thomas the Apostle Mission Chapel in West Hempstead (Hempstead Avenue and Nassau Boulevard)
"A Catholic Underground evening has two components: prayer and performance. Prayer is in the context of Eucharistic Adoration. The prayers performed include Vespers (evening prayer), Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, and Compline (night prayer), which ends the night. The performance element includes coffee and conversation among participants after Eucharistic Adoration, which then leads into performances that are meant to showcase different methods for new evangelization."
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Click on the pics to enlarge.

The pictures above do not really show how many people were there since the line wrapped around bushes and the side of the Church. The crowd was huge!

The Catholic Heart website created for the occasion
Cure of Ars parish website
Fr. Charles and Laurie Mangano Music website
St. John Marie Baptist Vianney info
Monday, October 09, 2006
"12. During the readings, look at the reader; don’t use a missalette unless you have a problem with your hearing."
I try to read the readings before Mass but I also follow along while they are proclaimed for a couple of reasons. Although the lectors are quite good at the parish I currently attend, in my old parish they made an awful lot of mistakes, sometimes changing the whole meaning of a sentence. I can also really understand and follow the reading when I read along, it would not be the same if I just listened. I will continue to read along for this reason, and don't understand why some people make such a big deal out of this.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
"With approximately 100 in the total freshman class each year (and a mere 300 in the entire student body) only about 2000 students in total ever attended St Pius in its 20-year history. Only about 1200 managed to make it from freshman year to graduation."
"With the closing of St Pius in 1984, alumni were placed on the endangered species list. For this reason any loss over the years is taken that much more to heart. On 9/11 three were taken from our small ranks."
The site mentions about 60 alumni gathered for a reunion last year which is a great percentage considering how many total graduates there are. Since my Catholic High School, Chaminade, has a huge and active alumni base, I am always aware of how cool it is to have a connection to so many other people. When a school is unique and tough to get through, it creates a bond between graduates that stretches across generations. I like to see reunions of students from Catholic schools that have closed and am glad to see the St. Pius X reunion will be held at Kellenberg, so the men can see good Catholic education continuing on Long Island.
One more quote from the site:
"As a prep seminary St Pius was producing a disappointing number of priests, certainly a factor in determining the school closure. But St Pius never disappointed in producing good people. Good guys. Christi simus non nostri."
Nicely put. Perhaps a graduate can translate the latin phrase?
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Tuesday, October 10th, 2006 11:30 AM
Nassau Community College
Dr. Alveda King, niece of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. will lecture on "Keeping the Dream Alive". The lecture is at the Multipurpose Room of the College Center Building. The lecture will argue that the civil rights and pro-life movements are intimately related. Dr. King is the Outreach Coordinator to the African American community for Priests for Life. The primary sponsor of this event is the NCC Respect Life Committee, and the NCC Center for Catholic Studies is the co-sponsor along with the NCC Catholic Club.
Saturday, October 28th, 2006 10:00 AM
Nassau Community College
Conference featuring the (very) Honorable Denis Dillon, former District Attorney of Nassau County who will speak on "The Obligations of the Catholic Politician". Mr. Dillon certainly has stood up to his obligations as a Catholic official! There will be a luncheon following the conference. I would not want to miss this for anything, but unfortunately it happens to be the day I will be going to see Les Miserables on Broadway. I have wanted to see this musical for years and never got the chance when it was running.
Both of these events are free of charge, and you don't need to reserve a seat.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
"I asked various Amish friends what message do you want to communicate to people around the world and they said: We want them to understand how rich and deep our friendships and family relationships can be, and while we don't have insurance and we don't enjoy many modern conveniences, we have the richest treasure in the world, and that is brotherly love," Furman said." (CNN link)
Oct. 5th - another teacher caught with child porn, a special ed teacher named Jeffrey Burke.(News12 Long Island link)...
Oct. 4th - the story was about Michael Kelly Reiner, a teacher at a school for the gifted. (Newsday link) Police found:
"569 still images of child pornography and 68 videos on three of Reiner's nine computers that they have analyzed so far. They also found 2,000 stories on the computers that relate to sexually abusing, torturing and eating children."
The Newsday article quotes parents who are backing Reiner, saying he never committed any acts against their children!
Oct. 4th - Long Island teacher says Mom OK'd sex with her daughter
Meanwhile, child porn charges against former teacher John Mark Karr were dropped today. (Cnn link) This is a good time to point out that Carol Shakeshaft, a professor at Hofstra University here on Long Island has long been calling the situation involving teachers much worse than the sex scandals in the Catholic priesthood. It is time for a nationwide audit, like the one done in the Church, covering the past 50 years of all public schools.
Meanwhile, some good news: it looks like the John Mark Karr case has brought some badly needed pressure on the child sex trade. Cambodia is supposedly cracking down on foreigners who go there to have sex with children. ( link - don't click this article if you have a weak stomach) I really believe the exposure of the Catholic priesthood's pedophile problem could have been the start of a worldwide awakening to this problem. We can all hope.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Now this is what is wrong with America today - inability to follow through -
"A male walked into a Bank of America branch on the Port Jefferson Station-Terryville border today shortly after 11 a.m. and handed a teller a note announcing a bank robbery. But, Suffolk police said, the man ran out before he could collect any money."
From Newsday
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
"Unreasonable People Will Not Keep the Pope from Reasoning"
By Mary Katharine Ham
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The heart of St. John Vianney will be coming to Cure of Ars parish in Merrick, Long Island! From October 6th - 11th the incorrupt heart in a reliquary will be at the parish for veneration.
For those who just spit their coffee over the keyboard, please read the bulletin of the parish where the pastor explains why we venerate relics (PDF). Remember the amazing crowds when the relics of St. Therese of Liseux (about half her remains) came to New York? This could be as big.
Aula Magna of the University of Regensburg
Tuesday, 12 September 2006
Above links to the full text of the Pope's address that has resulted in violence in the muslim world. I believe if The Onion did a headline on this it would read "Pope Calls Violence Unreasonable, Muslims Violently Protest"
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Diocese of Rockville Centre
An update on this diocese should be made, hopefully Newsday will do a story updating the situation soon. Most of the information Catholics get on the "scandals" has to come from secular sources as the Dioceses are just not honest and forthcoming enough. Just this week the Long Island Catholic reported a priest, Fr. William Logan would be returned to ministry because allegations could not be substantiated, but no details were given. Newsday provides the details here. The two accusations mentioned do not involve sexual acts. There have been two other accused priests returned to ministry - Fr. Brian Brinker and Fr. Michael Carroll. If the allegations against Brinker and Carroll are true, then I would not let any boys anywhere near these two and I don't see how these two priests can possibly remain in ministry.
Otherwise, the most info available can be found on Bishop Accountability right here. This page lists all the accused, except Logan. The site is good for info, but it is not totally up to date. I count 4 accused priests that have died, one that is in jail (Millar), and 1 that was defrocked according to the page. But Michael Hands, the last priest to be arrested for raping a boy, was also defrocked. Others may have died since the page has been updated. The page also lists each of the accused priests by letter from the Suffolk County Grand Jury Report, but those accused are the same accused listed by name in many cases so it is a bit confusing. Since Bishop Murphy has been here, the number of allegations of abuse has been 0, so that is good news, but there are still some priests living mostly in the St. Pius X residence in Uniondale that were accused of abuse. They have not been defrocked as far as I know, and little info is given to Catholics. The fear of "scandalizing" Catholics is what helped this crisis grow, and that fear is misguided anyway. The Diocese should offer more info to people so that this situation won't ever become as widespread again. I was an altar boy and attended Catholic schools for 16 years and never experienced anything negative in the Church. The priests I knew were all pretty good men, except for one I thought was arrogant and not so nice. I never knew an abusive priest and have known some really good ones, so it is hard to believe just how much went on in this Diocese. All Catholics should remain vigilant to help keep the priesthood holy. With so many stories of sexual abuse of children making the headlines today, all people should remain vigilant with regards to any adults in authority as well.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
May all those who perished on 9/11, and all those murdered since then rest in peace.
My list of Long Islanders killed on 9/11
Newsday's database of all 9/11 victims
Friday, September 08, 2006
Oops, I left out a word in the that headline - "Hindu". Between the Catholic priesthood's problems and the recent arrest of that polygamist and the surrounding media coverage, child molestation really should be wiped out of the clergy. Now, if we can do the same in the teaching profession...
Monday, September 04, 2006
Catholics on Long Island have suffered for 35 years with regard to poor Liturgies. One thing I learned from attending the traditional Latin Mass is that by genuflecting during the Incarnational lines in the Creed, ("by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary and became man") it really emphasizes just how important this belief is to Christians. The Church changed this from genuflecting to bowing with the Missal of Paul VI and I think this was a positive change. While bowing still forces us to do something with our bodies that emphasize this phrase, it is less noisy and distracting. The problem is, most people don't do the bow! All Catholics should start bowing during these lines and tell me if it makes a difference when they are saying this prayer.
n.b. Twice a year, on Christmas and Easter (Correction in comments, Christmas and Annunciation) we genuflect rather than bow. This makes it even more special and appropriate. The problem there is, I have almost never been to a parish where this was done, although one year our pastor told us the Church invites us to genuflect during the part of the Creed, and then he forgot to do it so no one else did.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Taking a page from Diogenes, this polite and politically correct closing is from a letter:
A) From President Bush to supporters in December 2005
B) From a school principal to parents of students in December 1990
C) From a Catholic Bishop to local civic leaders in December 1985
D) From a Catholic Bishop to a Catholic priest in December 1976
If you answered D, then you realize just how bad the Church leadership was even then. This was the closing of a letter sent by Archbishop Cousins of Milwaukee to a priest in California asking him to give a job to a Fr. Widera, who was a molester of boys. I guess the Archbishop couldn't say "Christmas" since the priest might have been offended?
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Michelle Malkin posts the pictures of all of them.
Perhaps related, perhaps not, the arrests of the 24 plotters in England is good news, and should remind people that we are at war against muslim terrorists.
Friday, August 04, 2006
No comment. Except to say that child porn, child abuse, and hypocrisy ain't just found in our Catholic Church.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Father Jan Larson has written an article criticizing the Masses on EWTN. He says the priests looked too serious and somber. The article is so bad it almost hurts, the author is clueless. The only thing he gets correct is this line:
"The liturgy, in effect, is unlike anything that Catholics experience in the vast majority of Catholic parish churches"
Thank God for EWTN! The things you read in Diocesan papers can be truly unbelievable. Although it is not online yet, there was a letter published recently in the Long Island Catholic bemoaning the impending return of "mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa". The writer sounded like he wouldn't be able to return to Mass when this happends and that the Church went "beyond this type of stuff".
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
This Long Islander's book tells her story of getting out of Rwanda and gets an excellent review from Bishop Murphy. It is also reviewed in the latest edition of The National Catholic Register.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Newsday reports on a strange situation at St. Matthew's in Dix Hills. The athletic program was closed by the pastor due to some sort of financial irregularities. The Diocese of Rockville Centre audited the program last fall, and now the Suffolk County DA has opened a criminal investigation. The pastor, Fr. John McCartney, is new to the parish, arriving there just 2 weeks ago to replace Msgr. McDonald, who is now the rector of the seminary. Fr. McCartney came from St. James in Seaford, not the parish mentioned in the article. This story is missing many details but brings up some interesting points:
First -
"We went from being a church with an athletic program to being athletic program with a church," said McCartney, adding that the program had become so big that to some people it was more important than the church."
This is rampant in the Church today, particularly in Catholic schools and in suburban parishes. Many people are cultural Catholics and the extracurricular activities become more important than the important stuff. When you see people in Church reading the parish bulletin instead of the day's readings or praying, you know something ain't right!
Secondly, I can't help but wonder if the Church is becoming more quick to call in the law as a result of the priest sex scandals, or if the Church acts quicker in matters of money, as opposed to matters involving children. I hope it is the former but fear it is the latter.
Third, this is the third time (that I am aware of) that the Diocese has done audits that turn up problems right after a change in leadership. First, Telecare, the local television station had a new leader installed and then an audit found a worker had set up an outside company to maintain the grounds, and the work was paid for but not done. Then, Holy Family parish in Hicksville gets a new pastor, and an audit found two long time employees using parish money for personal expenses.
Overall, it seems the problems are being discovered and dealt with the proper way. I just wonder why it sometimes takes so long to find this stuff out. The lingering issue is the first one though - nothing can be more important than the faith.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
"Msgr. McDonald, 64, has never taught in a seminary and holds no advanced degrees in theology. But Rockville Centre Bishop William Murphy said he tapped the long-time pastor because Msgr. McDonald holds “a doctorate in priesthood,” and is “an extraordinary mentor and leader of the men,” as demonstrated by his tireless recruitment of vocations. "
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Finally, a Youth Ministry put to good use.
From You Duped Me Lord.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006
I am so grateful to Catholic Match (formerly St. Raphael's), the site where I met my fiancee. I can't believe that I found a nice, sweet woman and fell in love. I am so lucky in so many ways. This blog was started so I could speak of my good experiences in the Church, my journey back to the Church and my thoughts on the Church today. I never meant for it to be a place to speak of my personal life and I could never really speak about some of the experiences I have had on my journey through life. Let's just say I am been through hell. It is quite amazing to look back and see what I had to go through to get to this place. And now some music from Aerosmith:
I kept the right ones out
And let the wrong ones in
Had an angel of mercy
To see me through all my sins
There were times in my life
When i was goin' insane
Tryin' to walk through the pain
When i lost my grip
And i hit the floor
Yeah, i thought i could leave
But couldn't get out the door
I was so sick n' tired Of livin' a lie
I was wishing that i would die
It's amazing
With the blink of an eye
You finally see the light
It's amazing
That when the moment arrives
You know you'll be alright
It's amazing
And i'm saying a prayer
For the desperate hearts tonight
That one last shot's a permanent vacation
And a how high can you fly with broken wings
Life's a journey - not a destination
And i just can't tell just what tomorrow brings
You have to learn to crawl
Before you learn to walk
But i just couldn't listen
To all that righteous talk
I was out on the street
Just tryin' to survive
Scratchin' to stay alive
Desperate hearts, desperate hearts
"to all of you people out there
Wherever you are - remember:
The light at the end of the tunnel
May be you - goodnight"
That about says it. And now I will be busy with wedding stuff so probably won't be blogging for awhile.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Light of the World Charities
"The organization regularly sends surgical teams to third world countries to help meet the medical needs of the poor. In addition, the organization has brought individuals to the United States to have medical and surgical procedures performed. "
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006
"If the evidence demonstrates that any of our current students willingly participated in these activities, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken,'' athletic director Michael Allen said in a statement."
I wonder if confession will be mentioned?
Please visit
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Catholic University Women's Lacrosse Team Initiation Party 2006
This site combines two of my favorite things to point out to people: Dumb Jocks and Fake Catholic Schools. From, this site shows the initiation of dumb jocks at a supposedly Catholic University. These "women" hired a male stripper and acted like, well, dumb jocks with no brains, no taste, no dignity. In other words, typical dumb jocks and typical "Catholic" University students.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
This reminds of a story Msgr. Lisante told during a homily one Sunday. He was a pro-life leader in the Diocese and was working an event with Terry. Randall asked Msgr. Lisante to lead the group of Christians in prayer, but requested it "not be too Catholic". Lisante said he began right away with "Hail Mary full of grace...."
Sunday, May 14, 2006
My parish in Seaford is mentioned, and I will try to attend the film showing there - "The Da Vinci Deception: Fact vs. Fiction".
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Sirius Radio is going to have a Catholic Channel! This is good, although you never know how these things will work out. I am more excited to hear that Relevant Radio is coming to Long Island. A source told me there will be some local programming (think they will want a Gen X Show??). I have always enjoyed radio shows, especially when sitting in traffic, or when going to bed at night. Catholic radio could be good especially with interesting talk shows and interviews.
"Perfect timing for 'The Da Vinci Code'
Post-crisis Catholics, questioning celibacy and marginalization of women by the church, will flock to theaters
No, I will just link to much better articles by Amy Welborn.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
I read about this company in the National Catholic Register and have just ordered some wine now. I will let readers know how the wine is but the reviews look good. For each case of BOGO wine sold, the company donates money to adult stem cell research. The Thomas Hartman Foundation For Parkinson's Research is one of the organizations supported. BOGO stands for Buy One Give One, and the wine is sold in twin packs.
5/10/06 Update: I have become an affiliate to help advertise this wine.

Monday, May 08, 2006
Entrance Hymn: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Post-Vows: Litany of Saints
Alleluia: Celtic
Offertory: Ave Maria (Schubert)
Agnus Dei: Chanted, latin
Communion: How Beautiful (Twila Paris)
Panis Angelicus (Franck)
Recessional: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Nothing out of the ordinary really, except perhaps the Litany. Eucharistic Prayer I will be used. There is going to be enough incense to choke a horse!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
I am always saying that Long Island is a white trash heap. Here is yet another story that backs this up.
from Newsday.
A Kennedy involved in a car accident?? A Kennedy getting special treatment from the police?? A Kennedy with substance abuse problems?? A Kennedy entering rehab??
If only Rose had married a good man....
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Earl Woods, Tiger Woods' father passed away yesterday. It would seem from his son, he was a good man, a good father.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
The music selections for our Nuptial Mass should be finished soon, and I will post them. We are very lucky in many ways - the priest will be great, the church is beautiful, the music at the parish is excellent, and many people who we were not sure could make it are indeed coming. No major disasters have occurred in over a year of planning. Things are going well, almost too well for me. An example or two: When I called to make the final payment on the honeymoon cruise, the travel agent told me the cruise line had cancelled our reservation because they never received the deposit. He was sure he put it on my credit card, and the cruise line never told him or us they were cancelling our cabin. It turns out the charge was approved but the cruise line never charged the card in error. I never noticed the charge was not on my credit card statements. So, my agent pushed for an upgraded cabin (same exact cabin but two decks higher) and got it for a reduced rate for his trouble. This was great. Another example was the catering hall, which is great but has a small cocktail hour room. We went there the other day for something and there was all kinds of construction going on. It turns out they are doubling the size of the cocktail hour room, improving the disabled access ramp, and paving the parking lot. It should all be done in time for our wedding. Third bit of luck - there was a Long Island wide disaster drill to be hold on our wedding day and it has been changed to another weekend.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
"We are quite sure that Jesus would be outside the cathedral with the LIVOTF members and not inside the cathedral with Bishop Murphy."
Gen X Revert is quite sure that Jesus IS inside the cathedral - that is what makes me a Catholic and not say, a protestant.
"Phyliss has the credentials but is not permitted to preach because she is a woman"
No, I can't preach either and I am a man. Only a priest can say Mass which includes giving a homily.
"I'm not sure I believe that the hierarchy is on its way out. It has much too many followers throughout the world."
Those followers are called Catholics, and we have seen many who don't believe in the hierarchy come and go.
"welcome to the newest Religious Order of the new century. Welcome Brothers and Sisters to the Religious Community of VOTF"
Is the Kool-Aid free my sister?
Rev. John J. McCartney has been named pastor of St. Matthew in Dix Hills, effective the end of June. He was an associate at St. James in Seaford where I just attended Mass. This is important here because St. Matthew is the default "traditional" parish on Long Island. Fr. McCartney, who is always in a cassock, has said the parish would retain its traditional nature under his watch. The previous pastor at St. Matthew, Msgr. McDonald, is currently the rector at the seminary.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
"Officials say Fischer was arrested a month ago for allegedly raping a 16-year-old girl and is under investigation for the rape of another 16-year-old. "
Has anyone learned anything from the Catholic priests sex abuse scandals?? More importantly will the lessons learned be applied to the society at large?
From Newsday, this story involved grandparents walking their 4 year old grandson and all were attacked by 3 vicious dogs. The 4 year old is in intensive care, and the grandfather is also in the hospital because of chest pains brought on by the attack. The dog owner has for some reason not been arrested yet, although his dog was to be kept inside or locked in a kennell after previous violent activity. Hopefully, the dog owner (Edward Kelly) will be arrested, the dogs will be put to sleep and the victims will recover quickly enough to sue this guy out of the neighborhood.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I heard the interview this morning on my way to work. They really were nice to Donohue who got lots of talk time on the show. He had no problem with the duo returning to "regular" radio and even slammed Howard Stern on his old station, from Stern's old studio. They credited Bill Donohue with making it real easy for O & A to come back and seemed genuinely appreciative.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
"The world of hierarchy has come to an end," said Kennedy, a professor emeritus at Loyola University of Chicago."
It is sad the group can get together 500 people to hear nonsense like this. There are so many good speakers who can truly talk about Church reform.
"The latest casualty comes with the announcement that WLIE/540 AM, a station carrying business talk programs, has been sold to a Catholic broadcasting company for $14 million."
WLIE is a local radio station, the call letters refers to the Long Island Expressway. If this is going to become a Catholic station they might want to consider changing the call letters.
UPDATE: In doing a search, I just found out it was relevant radio that bought the station!! This is great. I listen to Relevant Radio when I am visiting family in Pittsburgh and would love to be able to hear it on Long Island. There is a dispute over the sale but hopefully Long Island will have a good Catholic radio station soon.
Relevant Radio
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
"I only support traditional Catholic organizations. The Long Island chapter of VOTF supported the pervert Fr. Papa who was caught with child porn cookies on his computer. Why should I support you when you stand with priests like that? I will support Roman Catholic Faithful, Stephen Brady's group, which has had great success in fighting perverts in the Church. VOTF will never be for Gen-Xers, sorry."
The FutureChurch thing is an entire survey with plenty of room for comments. The survey indicates that FutureChurch has suggested or is using a strategy of "Encouraging women not to attend Church on a given Sunday". Why do these people bother? If you throw out the whole "Lead us not into temptation" thing, what is the point?
VOTF is a sad collection of mostly older and very sincere Catholics with their hearts in the right place, but FutureChurch is just a joke. Both are led by people who are leading them away from Catholicism.